I'm stepping up against cancer!
This year, I’m taking on Relay For Life to raise funds for every person who’s ever heard the words: “you have cancer”. In 2024, more than 150, 000 Australians will receive the news. Among them are our friends, families and colleagues.
Cancer is a devastating disease for so many. For people living with cancer, their treatments can be long and stressful. For those without solutions, the future can be uncertain. It’s a concern shared by their loved ones.
But with your support, I hope to help as many people impacted by cancer as possible. Together, we can support families when they need it most, empower people to reduce their risk, speak up for communities, and find new ways to better detect and treat cancer.
Every step I take is one closer to a cancer free future. But I can’t do it alone! Please donate to my Relay today and together, we can help Cancer Council provide life-changing support services, advocacy, prevention and research across Australia.
Thank you for stepping up. Together we’ll make powerful strides against cancer!
So far this year I've helped provide:
Our Team

Peter Swanson

Carolyn Best

Joan Bradford

Merv Bradford

Jane Barker

Ron Myler

Trevor Preston

Madelon Lane

Kevin Huxham

Elizabeth Huxham

Helen Cronin

Doug Hawley

Shirley Flanagan

Gail Buckingham

Barbara Heath

Bruce illman

Dany George

Heather Courtney-Burns

Steve George (C)

Rod Nelson

Leigh Nelson

Ian Cole

Jenny Cole

Paul Louttit

Leah Louttit

John Musgrave

Cindy Fulton

Faye Swanson

Rosemary Price

Graham Price

Irene Jones

Joan Horvath

Bill Fisher

Ken Galvin

Sue Galvin

Sandy Sauer

Denise Leibinger

Sandra Sullivan

Qin Musgrave

Wendy Fisher

Bernice Davis

Charlotte Tomlin

Ronda Hanson

Lynelle Mcatee

Norma Medina

Pete Medina

Bernice King

Joyce Odowd

Robyn Poulsen

Jack Van Haren

Diana Hart

Vic Jurko

Viv Ward

Janene Ward

Doreen Brame

Colleen Cooke

Helen Wiltshire

Jeff Patterson

Helen Norris

Robert Norris

Vicki Luchich

Jim Luchich

Anne Admiraal

John Admiraal

Stan Byers

Linda Powlett

Stan Lindsay

Lynne Lindsay

Keith Griffiths

Madonna Griffiths

Karen Parsons

Ian Parsons

Linda Shordon