Slip, Slap, Sloppers

Hobart 2024

When we step together, we make strides.

Cancer impacts so many of us, and this year, we’re fighting back. Our team are taking on Relay For Life to raise vital funds for people impacted by cancer.

In Australia, around 134,000 people are diagnosed with cancer every year. They could be our loved ones, our colleagues, or even ourselves. But we’re determined to make sure more people (and their families!) get the support they need.

To get there, our team are going the distance. We’re taking on the laps so Cancer Council can offer support services to families through one of the most difficult times of their lives.

But like us, your support goes far. Your donation can tackle every aspect of every cancer. Together, we can fund life-changing cancer research, prevention and advocacy — and make powerful strides against cancer in our communities.

United, we are stronger than cancer. Please donate to our team today and help support a cancer free future. Thank you!

So far this year we've helped provide:


Kids with a SunSmart education


Calls to trained cancer professionals on 13 11 20


Days of a PhD student's world-class research

Team Captain:

Rory Wilson

Join Our Team


Thank you to our Sponsors


Relay For Life Fundraising - Quiz Night


Clothes Swap


Alison Lai


Relay For Life Fundraising


Merelyn Schodel


Rory Wilson


Zoe Vandervelde


Relay For Life Fundraising Corporate Services Lunch


Ruth Albertini


Ange Albertini


Matthew Schodel




Michelle Gates


Frank Martinovich


Khadija Randall-dannawi

For Slip Slap Sloppers Lunches.


Relay For Life Fundraising


Alison Lai

Thanks for the lunches!


Ruaraidh Wilson


Frank Martinovich


Frank Martinovich


Ruth Albertini


Ange Albertini


Kea Gargiulo


Charles Bracewell


Khadija Randall-dannawi


Wendy Atkinson


Ellie Bowd


Kea Gargiulo


Abby Smith

Thanks for the amazing holiday lunch, E&F!!


Pip Cooper


Khadija Randall-dannawi

For the Clothes Swap.



Lunch was very nice!


Irena Zieminski



Ruaraidh Wilson


Abby Smith


Mark Purcell


Mark Purcell


Alison Lai


Frank Martinovich


Kea Gargiulo


Ruth Albertini


Mark Purcell



Lunch 21/3/24


Irena Zieminski



Ruth Albertini


Kate Harrison


Jill Bannon

Delicious lunch!


Abby Smith

Yummy lunch! Thanks


Jill Bannon


Rory Wilson


Glenn Mitchell


Ali Lai


Geraldine Robinson


Leesa Cooksley


Mark Purcell


Kea Gargiulo


Glenn M


Glenn Mitchell


Prativa Shrestha

Yummy Lunch!


Mark Purcell


Tammy Nicol


Relay For Life Fundraising - Geraldine Robinson


Frank Martinovich


Rory Wilson


Mark Purcell


Lisa Fleming


Abby Smith

Yummy lunch! Thx


Kate Harrison


Relay For Life Fundraising - Claire Prior


Prativa Shrestha


Tammy Nicol


Kate Harrison


Mark Purcell


Kate Harrison


Rory Wilson


Lisa Fleming


Tammy Nicol


Prativa Shrestha

Thank you for the lunch Quit team




Kate Harrison


Irena Zieminski


Prativa Shrestha

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